In eight months, this guy will be a teenager. Whoever came up with the saying, “time flies”, could not have been more accurate. Some call him Kris, others Armani, I call him my youngest. One thing’s for sure, you can call him unique. This old soul, as he is also known, never ceases to amaze me.
When I initially approached him about writing this feature, Kris emphasized my mentioning his entrepreneurship, and growth mindset. I laughed; I should have known he would reply in that manner.
Armani is a natural at sales and networking. He can sell ice to an Eskimo, as they say. When he comes across the next new game or craze and wants it, Kris reaches out to everyone he knows to offer his services, but not before explaining his rationale.
I’m sure my company analytics would skyrocket if I hired this kid!

Business and finance are not Kristopher’s only passions. His faith is also a staple of who he is. He does not believe in magic, but rather in blessings. In school, he openly expresses his apprehension when presented with the task of completing an assignment that he believes goes against God and his own Christian values and beliefs. He was not thrilled when given the assignment of researching a Roman God recently. He inquired as to why he was being taught about the Roman Gods, yet God is not to be mentioned in classrooms today. He completed the project, earned a good grade, yet did not acknowledge merit without a discourse on morals.
His faith has carried him through his many struggles with Alopecia, and Hashimoto’s Disease, and losing family members to COVID, among other things. It’s not uncommon to have people reach out and ask for his prayers. Kris can also be described as a family-oriented peacekeeper/mediator. I think back to the day he was born, and I cannot help but recall the doctor’s words, “His shoulders are too broad.” It all makes perfect sense when I look at the blessed vessel he has become. His empathetic ways lead him to bear much weight on those shoulders at times.
Kristopher believes in mindfulness, and the power of music, and most importantly, prayer. I should have not been surprised when he asked for a prayer mat for Christmas. His favorite music is Christian, but he also enjoys listening to Phil Collins. Let's not forget his video games and oculus!
When he grows up, Kristopher sees himself taking care of the elderly. He has always been drawn to older people, as if he were one of them.
He has a dog named Max, whom he loves. His favorite actor is Jim Carrey and has been inspired to also go into acting someday soon.
Like Carrey’s characters, Kris has quite the interesting sense of humor. As we sat in a diner about two months ago, I watched Kris look around, as if taking in his surroundings. He then said, “A health inspector is like the rapture, in that you will never know when it’s coming!”
As I sat writing this feature, I received a message from Kristopher, which included a multimedia file. It was a piece of his writing that he asked me to please to include.
On Kristopher's behalf, I share it with you. Enjoy.
