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Reinventing Light

Karen Delgado

Her name means light; it’s no wonder people are naturally drawn to her. She has a presence about her that not even she realizes. She tends to attract those in need of healing.

Grandmother of thirteen and great-grandmother to one. Luz is a natural caretaker. Just ask her grandchildren. Raw and uncensored is her nature. She can be nurturing, just as she can be intense. She keeps her native tongue alive through the music she listens to, the recipes she has come to perfect, and not to mention, the “dichos”, or sayings, she frequently weaves into her daily vocabulary.

Her best piece of advice is, “Try everything at least once.”

Not only is Luz beautiful, but she is also intelligent and multi-talented. It’s been a while since she has immersed herself in her artwork. She would sketch the most detailed and life-like faces. The look in their eyes, each made you wonder what was on their minds.

My favorite piece was a pencil sketch of a woman with a gypsy-like resemblance. Her lost eyes and smooth scarf have always remained the details that resonated with me.

Luz also studied cosmetology and is a DIY queen, handy with tools, and extremely creative. She enjoys hands-on projects from reupholstering, to renovating her own kitchen!

She has a resilient, assertive, and independent nature about her. After overcoming the oppression of domestic violence, she reinvented herself. Throughout the years, she would hold multiple jobs just to ensure her children had everything they needed. She would struggle, yet she never complained, nor did she ever quit! She has bold character; fierce and brave; the strongest person I know. She is my definition of a powerhouse!

Luz is a free spirit. She loves to travel. She also enjoys studying Brazilian Portuguese. Anything to get her closer to her dream of meeting her favorite artist, Roberto Carlos.

When I prompted for people to share their recent successes or things they were especially proud of, she vulnerably replied,

“Expressing my feelings; letting people know how I really feel about everything.”

I loved reading her response because it confirmed that today, she is once again reinventing herself. Luz is coming back to the person she always was. Overtime, she has been made to think her perspective was intimidating; or that her feelings had no true value.

Luz, please know that your presence is only intimidating to those who cannot bring themselves to understand you or cannot control you. Never give anyone that power over you. You are much too valuable.

I owe my colorful character, unshakable strength, and sheer independence to this special woman most know as, Lucy. I have the privilege of calling her, Mom.



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